While my permanent address may be in Lexington for the next couple years, I will still be traveling around. I'm already scheduled to perform in shows and workshops around the U.S.
Belly Horror ---- October 23 & 24 ---- Washington D.C. www.bellyhorror.com
Subee Djinn Workshop ---- February 6 ---- Oasis Dance Studio, Highland, CA www.oasisdancestudio.net
I will be selling a variety of items on Craigs List. Most of these are going to be pieces of furniture. I'll try to post links as I list them. I'm selling things to raise money for the move. If you would like to donate to my moving fund, you can Paypal me at poindex9@hotmail.com.
I cannot express how much I've enjoyed the last few years here in LA. This city and the people in it have touched me more than I ever expected. Thank you.
I cannot express how much I've enjoyed the last few years here in LA. This city and the people in it have touched me more than I ever expected. Thank you.