Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A New Step

I've been sitting at my computer, trying to figure out how to break this news. Unfortunately there's no easy way to say it. At the end of September, I will be moving to Lexington, KY. This transition is full of mixed emotions for me. I have made so many friends and connections since I moved to Los Angeles. It's hard to believe it's only been five years. I feel I've known many of you much longer than that. And I feel very confident knowing these relationships will continue for many years to come.
While my permanent address may be in Lexington for the next couple years, I will still be traveling around. I'm already scheduled to perform in shows and workshops around the U.S.

Belly Horror ---- October 23 & 24 ---- Washington D.C. www.bellyhorror.com
Subee Djinn Workshop ---- February 6 ---- Oasis Dance Studio, Highland, CA www.oasisdancestudio.net

I will be selling a variety of items on Craigs List. Most of these are going to be pieces of furniture. I'll try to post links as I list them. I'm selling things to raise money for the move. If you would like to donate to my moving fund, you can Paypal me at poindex9@hotmail.com.

I cannot express how much I've enjoyed the last few years here in LA. This city and the people in it have touched me more than I ever expected. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Silas's New Planet

Planet Pluchy (ploo-shee)

Size: 2 million suns large
Galaxy: Orion Arm (not in the Milky Way)
Inhabitants: Giant Flying Fish Creatures
Surface: Ocean
Weather: Constant hurricanes (that the fish really like)

Pluchy is so large that stars actually orbit around it without being pulled into the planet.

Constant daytime due to the stars that revolve around the planet, but the hurricanes block out most of the light. So the average temperature on Pluchy is 65 degrees fahrenheit.

The Giant Flying Fish Creatures (which is their name) are as big as a whale shark. They're dark blue and extremely dangerous. They have 600 teeth. The head and torso are like a fish, with the fins having a wingspan of 120 feet. They have a lower body like that of a squid with the addition of a tail.

This new discovery is brought to you by Silas on June 9, 2009. Hopefully we'll have picture documentation soon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

One of these days I'll write about the absolute beauty of Sciamachy. And I'll write more about my upcoming ideas.
Until then, here's the info on my next show!!!


Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm extremely excited about my new production company, Ninth Spiral. I'm constantly inspired by the amazing artists around me. I have begun the adventure of bringing them together to create some amazing shows.

My first show is on Saturday, March 14, 2009. That's two weeks from now. I have an unbelievable cast of performers and I hope you're able to share this experience with me. This show will present dancers, musicians, and singers.
Make sure to get your tickets early!!!

Sciamachy::: fighting a shadow

An evening of live art: Dance & music.
Inspired by the battles we fight within ourselves.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Showtimes: 7pm & 9pm

Price: $15

Malice Dreaming
Rory Vallis
Elysium Dance Theatre
Nikii Henry
Liz Hoefner & Yorgos Adamis
Lucas Rodenbush
Timur & the Petrovic Blasting Co.

For information and tickets go to:



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

new year.... NEW SHOWS!!!!

So many awesome things happening in the new year!! Several months ago I got a creative bug that I couldn't shake even if I wanted to. But trust me, I absolutely don't want to shake it. I've never felt this excited and scared in my life. I have so many ideas and I'm trying to find ways to get them out as quickly as possible, and at the same time wanting all the ideas to be beautifully polished too.

Ninth Spiral is my new production company. As much as I love being known as SuperKate, I feel this name is more professional. This is where much of my creative energy will be fueled through from here on out. I have at least 3 shows planned for this year alone. And that does not include productions that I'll be involved with as SuperKate. I'm surrounded by an incredible number of artists and I can't wait to tap into their passions.

My first production of the year is called "Sciamachy." It will be on Saturday, March 14. You can go to www.ninthspiral.com for more information and ticket sales. I've gathered a great group of artists for this show so far. And I have a few more to add to the list soon. This show is meant to showcase different artistic disciplines. I personally will not really be performing any bellydance. I have two pieces in the show and am extremely proud of both of them. One of them is the piece I performed at Shadowdance in Oakland. So now everyone in LA has the opportunity to see it.

On top of my regular jobs, currently I have 3 of them, I've joined up with Zoo District theatre company. I'm stage managing their production of Murray Mednick's "The Destruction of the 4th World." I've definitely missed the theatre world. It's exciting and inspiring sitting in rehearsals. Watching and listening to the actors and directors dissect the play, its words, and find meaning and purpose. This show will start previews on March 19 and open the following week. It's running in rep with another show for the following 3 weeks.

Not sure if you noticed, but I'm producing a show just days before the theatre production is running in front of audiences. Was this a crazy bit of scheduling?? Yes. Was it necessary for my sanity??.....Yes. I'm confident that I'll be able to handle everything, and this will be an incredibly busy few weeks. Did I mention that I will be in tech for the theatre production the day after my show? Woooohooooo!!!! Living in live theatre!! My soul is smiling.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

no bottles

feel through this


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Upcoming Bellydance Performance!!!

I will be performing with Subee Djinn and doing a solo in this show. And to top it off, I'm stage managing it also!!! Hope you can make it!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

an afterthought

I expect people to reach their potential. I expect people to have total honesty with me and with themselves. I expect passion and creativity. I expect kindness and thoughtfulness in regards to others. I expect people to be strong and not back down from life.

I've realized these are huge expectations when it comes to many people in this world. I realize that I attract unhealthy people because they see this strength in me. And for a moment, some of them are lucky enough to see themselves through my eyes and see their own possibilities as human beings. It's what they do after that which defines them in my life.

I do want to spend my life with someone. I don't know what that means as far as marriage or family. But I do want a partner, an equal.

These expectations have caused pain when people close to me let me down. And because of these expectations, most people aren't up to the challenge..... which results in me being single more than I'd care to be sometimes.

I'd rather be single than hop from person to person in hopes of filling an empty void or avoiding my own true self.

I'd rather be single than a stopping point for someone just trying to bide their time.

I am a strong, creative, beautiful, intelligent, and caring human being. I am meant for big things.