Thursday, January 1, 2009

an afterthought

I expect people to reach their potential. I expect people to have total honesty with me and with themselves. I expect passion and creativity. I expect kindness and thoughtfulness in regards to others. I expect people to be strong and not back down from life.

I've realized these are huge expectations when it comes to many people in this world. I realize that I attract unhealthy people because they see this strength in me. And for a moment, some of them are lucky enough to see themselves through my eyes and see their own possibilities as human beings. It's what they do after that which defines them in my life.

I do want to spend my life with someone. I don't know what that means as far as marriage or family. But I do want a partner, an equal.

These expectations have caused pain when people close to me let me down. And because of these expectations, most people aren't up to the challenge..... which results in me being single more than I'd care to be sometimes.

I'd rather be single than hop from person to person in hopes of filling an empty void or avoiding my own true self.

I'd rather be single than a stopping point for someone just trying to bide their time.

I am a strong, creative, beautiful, intelligent, and caring human being. I am meant for big things.

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